Persistence + Opportunity = Success
actor prep NYC
graduate school
regional theatre
feature film
independent film
network television
cable television
video games
​You have an audition tomorrow for a big part on a t.v. show . . .
You have a callback for a Broadway-bound musical . . .
You need to prepare monologues to audition for acting school . . .
All actors have their own ways of preparing for an audition. In almost every case, working with someone who understands performance technique and the casting process is infinitely better than working on the material alone.
For years after grad school, classmates and I would meet up before auditions so we could work on the material with other actors. But, with busy lives, it's not always so easy to meet up with a friend whom you trust to evaluate your performance. This is why I started Actor Prep NYC.
As a working actor, I have had great success in coaching fellow actors as they prepare for various auditions and callbacks. Various actors have been referred to me by colleagues in the entertainment industry and through classes I have taught in the past.
I consider acting to be serious fun. It's what I'm most passionate about.
What you can expect from your prep session:
a comprehensive analysis of the material
honest and constructive performance feedback
understanding the character's motivation and behavior
understanding how you, personally, fit the character
a feeling of confidence and ease in your performance
readiness for the casting/audition process
Click the "Read More" button for more information.
Actor Prep

Ready to work with me?
I'm ready if you are. We can meet in person or online, it's totally up to you. All I need is a copy of your material so I can prepare for our time together. Any questions, please feel free to contact me using the contact form below. I look forward to working with you!